Multi-Style Tailwind Components 23 exercises

Multi-Style Components Workshop Welcome

Welcome to the multi-style Tailwind component workshop!

Together, we're going to learn strategies and patterns to handle multiple style variants with Tailwind CSS.

Think of a button that with different props that change its style.

For example:

  • A size prop that changes the button size
  • A `lo
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0:00 Welcome to the Multi-Style Tailwind Components workshop. Together, we're going to learn strategies and patterns to handle multiple style variants with Tailwind CSS.

0:09 Think of a button that can have a size prop that changes the button size, a look prop that changes the colors, maybe a shape prop that will change the border radius of the button. The combination of those props brings some styling complexity, especially when factoring in how Tailwind's just-in-time engine works.

0:27 All right, speaking of buttons, let's jump into our first workshop section.